Since the last post? But I guess it really has. That means that life has been very full which is a very good thing...

Nanc is now back to work at least part time and is slowly but surely gaining more and more strength back. She no longer has to sleep 12 hours
every day - just once in a while. We went to Ventura for a 3 day weekend and stayed at a friend's place a the beach. It was our first real vacation since her diagnosis and man did we need that rest. The shot at the right is a view from the deck...
So, along with her strength, the hair is slowly coming back, the neuropathy is slowly dissipating and life is beginning to take on a weird sense of normalcy. I hesitate somewhat to use the word normal at all because everything is slightly different now. Life seems to come with a different edge for both of us that is difficult to explain. I need to formulate that a little more and get back to you.

I do know one thing, if we ever have to go back to Cedars as patient and caregiver it won't be without a fight. I had to stop by the other day to pick up a prescription and was chatting with some of the nurses. I got the chance to fill them in on Nanc's progress which is a very good thing as they get to hear about the fruits of their labors. But I was a little sick to my stomach leaving. No matter how much light they pour in there, no matter how bright the paint and fabrics, it's still a chemo infusion center and the memories are a little too fresh. Or at least they were that day...
Nice hair huh?
We're actually talking about the first haircut - there's a few spots that are slightly out of control you might say. Like her little cow-lick ;-)

Not sure this picture does it enough justice but it's there, trust me. It feels a little like spring actually. And that includes all one looks forward to at that time of the year. Like blooms and blossoms and births.