Anyway, today's treatments are going well and quicker than we had anticipated. So we will get home early today. Which is always a bonus considering all the things that could make the stay longer than it really has to be. Hence why we always pray for good blood counts and a high output of fluids.
Nanc got to chat with 2 other women today with the same cancer. One I think I told you about is Virginia. We see Gini see around campus on occasion. Nanc has talked with her before a couple of times and they swap war stories though Virginia has had a different experience with the same exact treatment as Nanc's. She's lost her hair and suffers some neuropathy but not the same issues with food. Today was her last treatment so we were able to trade some high fives, some hugs and made some plans to check in with each other in a few weeks.
The second lady, well that was my fault. Me and my big mouth...
I was walking through the center and this woman came out from one of the rooms through the curtain and we nearly collided. She sort of freaked as she thought I was taken aback by her hair. I told her that I am quite used to it by now as I have been living with a bald wife for some time now. We both smiled and she demanded to meet her. So she immediately came over to Nanc's room, sat down and started chatting it up for a few minutes until her nurse came looking for her. She was admiring Nancy's head - she doesn't like the shape of her own head but was quite impressed with Nanc's .
It seems we made everyone late this morning but the women had a nice morning chatting before they had to retreat to their rooms to get hooked up. We got her name and number and Nanc promises she'll call her when she's up to it. I hope she does. She always feels better around women going through the same thing.
Oh yeah, her name is Jan. It was tough seeing the three of them so up and cheerful early in the morning and then to see the immediate effect of the chemo by 1 in the afternoon...

She still carries a little of the times with her in her compassion and caring. She really makes Nanc comfortable in a motherly kind of way. She's alway ready with a remedy or trick to help with the side effects or just to make her feel at ease.

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