Anyway, 'whoa' is a word that seems appropriate. Fatigue - big time. The cumulative effect of all that chemo seems to have kicked in and has had Nanc down for the count yesterday and today. Even her last overnight stay and the two treatments took more out of her than it has before. She also complained tonight of some nausea which hasn't happened since I don't know when. Complain isn't quite the right word - maybe 'mentioned' is a better way to describe it. Yeah - she 'mentioned' in passing that she felt like crap...
However, you can now count the remaining appointments on one hand. Of course that doesn't mean squat to her when she's feeling like this. But we know it will pass eventually.

Say hi to nurse Cheryl. Cheryl pretty much runs things over in the clinic area for Leuchter. I think I mentioned before that if I am having trouble with getting a prescription filled or with and appointment time, Cheryl knows how to get things done! She always has a big smile and hugs for her patients.
Right after I took this shot, at least three other nurses came by and wanted a piece of the action. It's amazing the sense of humor in the face of all that disease. I guess you have to have it else you'd go crazy working around it all the time. I know I would. Hell a good cancer joke now and then lightens up the heaviness! Did you hear the one about....
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love you, can't wait to see you,
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