Thursday, November 15, 2007

One Small Step for Nancy... giant leap for her recovery. (I don't know. Maybe a bit corny. Maybe change it later before you publish it.)

So on my way home, in the middle of what seems to be coming a regular 90+ minute commute and an endless stream of Springsteen on my iPod, Nanc reported feeling "peppy." Now that's a new one. I can't remember her ever using the word peppy before. But hey, I am certainly not going to argue over the word choice. I'm tickled pink that she's "peppy." That means she's making progress.

You can hear it in her voice.

So, it may be a little thing, but it's pretty huge if you think about it a bit and put it into perspective over the last 5 months. She certainly wasn't feeling any too peppy back in the middle of July...


1 comment:

Erin said...

Hi Nanc! Hi Ed! Peppy is a wonderful feeling after all you guys have been through. I hope there are a million small steps in your future. Just wanted you to know there is someone at John's Hopkins about 3,000 miles away still praying. Love you guys, Erin Carr, RN