That's about the most fitting description of Nancy's hair right now. Traditionally, "a five o'clock shadow is beard growth visible late in the day on a man whose face was clean-shaven in the morning. The term comes from the traditional nine-to-five workday hours."
So maybe this would be better termed a "6 month shadow." Whatever we decide to call it, the good news is that it is real hair, very short, very soft but hair nonetheless. She is certainly making progress in that area. I am trying to get a picture posted here but that may be a bit tough. She's very protective on certain things....
Not much else to report. The neuropathy is still as bad as ever and we met with the pain team yesterday. They are going to try a different approach as the Lyrica doesn't seem to be doing much. So we'll give this new approach a month and see if she gets any relief.
During our visit to Cedars yesterday, we always like to stop by the infusion center to see the nurses. They like it when patients stop by so they can see them when they are mending as well. It does their hearts a lot of good to see the positive results sometimes.
Yesterday we ran into someone at the infusion center that I have seen around here and there. We sort of looked at each other like I know I know you. Once we got past the obligatory pleasantries, Nanc and I found out that his wife is back for her second round. Not second round as in second round of her current treatment. She's back for her first treatment of her second time around, as in her cancer has come back.
Nanc doesn't like talking about it but it is a realty. My heart just about broke watching them as she was going to get weighed in, knowing what was in store. You could sense the dread in her steps.
Once she heard that, we were out of there in a flash.