Thursday, August 30, 2007

They're back......

The side effects. Mostly the fatigue and nausea today. But they are back. So it's down into that hole again for a couple of days. I still find it hard to believe that there is no other way to kill the cancer other than almost killing the patient in the process. Makes me wonder if I am doing enough as an individual to support the research.

Without further adieu, let me introduce Nurse Erin. Erin is what one might call, well cool is about the best word that I can think of to describe her demeanor. She is a no BS angel, but oh so good at what she does. Her contract is up at Cedars in a couple of weeks. After that, she's off to John's Hopkins do0ing the same kind of work in the cancer unit there.

Erin is I think what hey call a contract nurse. She travels from state to state and is working her way through as many as she can, while she can. So I asked her why one day. "I'm from Missouri" sje said.

'Nuff said. (It could have been Iowa, but to me, either one is reason enough to leave...) ;-)

We tried talking her into staying but she's got that need to see what the rest of the country has to offer. Nanc and I both think the world of this team of nurses. We will miss them when this is all said and done. I guess we'll just have to have them all over for Sunday dinner once in a while to catch up...

In case we don't see you Erin, good luck and thanks for being so kind and helpful to Nanc. We will miss you and hope you keep us updated on your travels...


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