Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tweaking and the art of cancer treatment

So we met with Dr. Lang yesterday. I want to call her Jennifer which I can do in person, but when I write, it keeps coming out with the Dr. title. Someone please 'splain that to me...

Anyway, to see Nancy's treatment schedule for round 3 which starts next week, in comparison to her first round of treatments, gives one an appreciation of how the art comes into play here. She is scheduled for a total of 9 visits to the infusion center over the 2 week period surrounding her treatments. These include three chemo treatments, 5 hydrations, 4 or 5 white blood cell boosters (neupogen and neulasta) and one blood test. This was all tweaked since her first round, which was only 3 visits and, you will recall, pure hell...

One of the things we we have discovered is that different patients can have widely varying reactions to the same exact chemo protocol. The art of the treatment is when the team analyzes and adjusts for the reactions and side effects.

The results of that tweaking were displayed yesterday as our visit was so much easier and calmer than other visits. Nanc was totally exhausted by the time we got home, but as I keep saying, the difference is like night and day. Plus I think the routine has taken over for us even more now.

She of course doesn't feel the difference as much as we see it. That is because it was still like being in a "shit-hole" for 5 or 6 days as she likes to put it. What it comes down to right now I think, is that she is now a full fledged, arrow packing, gun toting cancer warrior.

I need to take some pictures with her blue scarf, white knit top and beads. She looked very good if I have to say so myself. I would say more but know the kids would get grossed out so I will keep that between Nanc and me.


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