So we went back to David today to get the rest of the hair cut off as she didn't want to see it on her pillow or in the shower drain any more. We actually had a fun time and had about half the shop staring at us by the time he was done. Anyway, he had gotten it to what could have been the perfect length at one point. It was still slightly soft to the touch but just a little blotchy. So the decision was made to go the rest of the way.

Which was sort of okay until we got home and she laid down. The bristles are very uncomfortable. So the lesson is when you get cancer, leave just a little so it's soft when you lay down. (Nancy's cancer tip #1.)
The picture at the right is how she wishes she had left it.
I think you can tell from the top picture that David is a blast to be around. He has the gift of being able to talk about anything. However he is particularly passionate about English soccer.
All in all, today was a good day despite some emotional disturbances in the parking lot of the Jack in the Box on Sepulveda this afternoon. It was reminiscent of a scene from Little Miss Sunshine. That is all I have to say on the subject. Emotions can run high sometimes when you are dealing with something like this in your family. What we have in our family is the ability to forgive, to laugh and to move on. Our kids have really showed us the way in this area...
So back to the day. Nanc's appetite was good and she has really felt half way decent the past two days. The fatigue continues to be the main lasting side effect of the last round.
Okay, so you're asking - how short is it right? Well I am still catching flack on the picture in bed with the cap on. I have been asked to remove it but you will notice that it is still there. It appears that she has no more pull sick than she did before she got sick...
For now though, let's just say that it's a real buzz cut and that it makes the whole thing more real than it was just this morning. And if that's not good enough, then you'll just have to ask her to show you her head when you see her next...
If you dare ;-)
Dear Nancy and Ed,
What a detail about a buzz hurting your head when you lie on it. Who would have thought! Kit never told me that when he had a buzz for years - but maybe the buzz accounts for why he became such a light sleeper. Anyway, your buzz should turn to fuzz before too long, Nancy. And you look pretty great and fashion forward in the posted photos - and a lot more like a Zen Buddhist than your brother!
Love, Elizabeth
Hey guys,
My, you look so young (Nancy). Can't comment on Ed since there's a dearth of HIS pictures posted. Scott's trying to figure out a way to get his special clippers on the plane to LA Wednesday. Good luck on Round 2.
Take care and much love from
the other Nancy
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