Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Oh Those Electrolytes

9:15 am - July 4

Well we haven't had much luck raising her potassium levels since yesterday. A normal count is between 3.5 and 4.5. Nanc's level has dropped from a 2.9 yesterday to 2.7 this morning, even with 4 IV treatments and on oral pill. So they are admitting her this morning for further treatments and then re-evaluate her condition before they proceed with the chemo.

And on top of everything else, she had become very nauseous, more than before, we think because of the patch that the pain team put on yesterday. We took that off and will monitor that as well throughout the day.

So, we are waiting and watching, trying to stay in the moment and accept the situation as it is.
Which is hard right now but she's trying...

More to follow throughout the day as I have time.

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