So to answer that question, right when we pull into the parking lot this morning, we run into Erin, one of Nancy's angel nurses who walked her down into the treatment area. At one point, Nanc looked at me and said there was no way she was going in until she talked to the doctor about the last couple of days. She even cried getting into the elevator just in anticipation of what lay ahead for the day. And that's when Erin stepped in and took over while I went down the hall to try and find Dr. Leuchter. And she was just on her way into work for the day. Serendipity steps in to save the day once again...
Cheryl from Leuchter's office came over and talked with Nanc along with Deanne, a nurse who has worked here for over 7 years now - more on her later. The argument to continue or not was discussed at length. The option to change from the Taxol is a very real option but - and this is a huge but - her CA-125, the marker test for ovarian cancer, is now down to 3 with her treatments so far! It was over 4,000 before the surgery!!! Single digit results are what you want and you just can't ignore that kind of result when you're thinking about dropping a protocol. She has come too far in terms of her progress as indicated by the test results that any decision to change course should be considered very carefully. This is not a decision you make lightly...
AS the nurses explained, you only get one shot at a first round battling cancer and you just have to go through some stuff as it were if you are going to make it stick. Given those results, Nancy looked at Cheryl, Deanna, Candy and me and said, "Well I guess I'm going ahead with this today."
Looks like it honey...
So the plan is to move forward and re-adjust what we are doing for the side effects with the pain management team. It's getting a bit more complicated by the day and my spread sheet is getting longer for sure, but again, you just can't ignore results like that.
So it's about 2:00 and she's sleeping through today's treatment. I think her battle with the weekend took its toll and she's sleeping it off. That plus the benadryl. She did have a moment or two before falling asleep - those moments when it seems that her life is a dream and she can't believe she has cancer. "Is this really happening to me?" They still pop up once in a while even after 4 months.

Well, those numbers are fantastic but what a battle to get there. Hang in there sweetie.
Love from Nancy K.
3!!!!!Yahoo! All the hard work and finally there's the message of hope. You can beat it! Keep going!
Love ya tons...
So that smile is way deceiving. Nanc had had a rough couple of days and was just about convinced that she was not having any part of the next round. That is until those nurses saw her coming and read her mind and were not letting her stop.. The numbers are just too good to stop now, but that didn't mean she was going along for the ride either. Enter stage right- Deanna (in the picture) and don't get caught off guard with her smile either. She took no prisoners and knew just what to say, just what Nancy needed to get her through. The next thing we knew, Nanc was hooked up to the IPOD, and sound asleep. Dinner even tasted good. And by the way, the poundcake was our other sister's idea. I was just channeling her energy, because she couldn't come out.
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