Tuesday, September 18, 2007

"I don't want to go..."

I wouldn't either, would you? I mean who would "want" to go lay in a hospital bed for 24 hours and get pumped full of chemicals that make you feel like total crap for a week? I can't blame Nanc for having certain 'reservations' about coming today. But, here we are, nonetheless, getting the first of round 5.

I keep thinking of Pavlov's dog when trying to explain to people what dragging yourself to yet another round of chemo must be like. I think I relayed to you all that Leuchter said rounds 5 and 6 are the toughest because you just want this thing to be over. This feeling was heightened for Nanc this week because she was feeling so good all week.

So, back to the dog. Imagine if someone takes your finger and sticks it in an electrical socket, if even for a second, and then tells you that it's going to make you feel better. You might be able to take it for a while but before long, all you have to do is look at the electrical socket and you'll start to feel the electricity flow through you. You might even experience the physical effects of it. We know a woman who is now a few years out of treatment who used to throw up on her way to get her treatments just thinking about what was going to happen.

Nanc didn't get sick on her way over here today but a tear or two appeared in anticipation. Or was it my driving. Hmmmmm - I'll have to check and report back on that one...

So the chemo has started, blood work is good with the exception of her red blood cells. Anyone remember what she gets to raise red blood counts? No it's not Neupogen or Neulasta. Those are for low white cell counts. Those are high right now as a result of her last Neulasta injection 2 weeks ago but will drop rfeally low by next Tuesday.

So, anyone?? Boy, you guys have so not been paying attention......

It's Aranesp! If you guessed correctly, you win a free



Nancy K. said...

I got it right! Yeah, right. Good luck this week, drive carefully, and we are thinking of you.
Love from Nancy K.

Phoenix Tattoo said...

hang in there - so close to the finish line! you guys are so awesome - i can't wait to see nancy on saturday mornings all better, because i know it will be soon.
love you,

Melanie said...

ALMOST DONE!!! It's amazing to witness and be a part of this thing. (SEE EDWARD?) LOVE YOU MISS YOU.

Melanie said...

OR IS IT WITTNESS? I don't even know.