Sunday, October 21, 2007


Good question and I'm glad you asked....

So, the last treatment is now but a not too distant memory and Nanc is left "holding the bag" as it were. They told her early on that if it became difficult to button her blouse or jeans, that would be the point they would stop the Taxol and move her to a straight IV protocol. Well guess what, that came about this weekend. Damn if they didn't know just how much to dump into her system at just the right time.

So, phase 2 is now officially about getting her put back together so she stops dropping everything and can be trusted with carrying anything breakable across the kitchen. And driving. Nanc tried driving on Friday and nearly rear-ended somebody. We are in search of a pair of shoes that will not make her feet hurt so much but will allow at least enough feeling so she can tell the gas pedal from the brake pedal...

Our next appointment is with Leuchter this Wednesday to discuss exactly what we do next. They will definitely be taking some blood as her platelets were so low last week. It they are not up to a decent level, she will have to have a platelet transfusion.

Based on the topics of a lot of our discussions lately, I have a feeling that our lives will become much simpler in the months to come. We have been discussing making a few changes based on some "shifting" priorities. One of them will more than likely involve getting into a smaller house. It's at the discussion stage right now but the idea of a smaller mortgage sure looks attractive...

Stay tuned....


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