Monday, July 30, 2007

A theory of chemo relativity

To say that yesterday and today were good days would be too simplistic of a statement without giving some thought as to what makes a good day when you are undergoing chemo treatments. You see it really is relative to your experience.

Once you consider what goes into making a good day vs. a bad day, you get a whole different outlook. And not just on the one day, but on your life as well. Seems a fairly heavy statement I know, but I am noticing a difference on how easy certain things will roll off Nancy's back or my own for that matter. But that is getting a little ahead of what I was trying to say...

It's about choosing to look at the glass half full and not half empty. (I know! I promise it's the last time I'll use that phrase.) It's about appreciating the fact that you can walk half way around the block even though you could walk miles a few months ago...

So, I hope you get the picture. Each day a little better, a little stronger. This is the "good week." Next week, well we wont' go there - it's next week and today was a good day...


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