Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Shift in Perspective...

It wasn't a sudden shift but it was certainly a shift. It was one of those time released attitude shifts that you just sort of notice one day. You're in the middle of a conversation and it just sort of goes a different path - one that is not familiar but one that you just know is right because it feels good. I am not talking epiphany level stuff here. Just a slow, gradual but very definite change in the way Nanc is approaching her cancer.

Some of the signs:
1. If there is a show on TV that has someone dying of cancer, it gets shut off immediately.
2. If there is a news segment on early detection or a story about somebody's fight with cancer, it gets turned up and nothing else can be said during the report.
3. She will not talk about what's occurred in the past with respect to her treatment, especially the hard days. She is just all of a sudden concentrating on staying in the present and doing what she needs to do to get through this thing.

It's been an amazing thing to witness and to be a part of. (How are you not supposed to end a sentence like that without a preposition. Hence why I always got D's in English in grade school.)

This has been a very good week physically. There is still the fatigue and neuropathy but the appetite has been very good, she's been sleeping well, walking and getting out on errands a bit as well.

Tuesday starts round 5! It's hard to believe that there is that much behind and only 2 to go...


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