Wednesday, September 26, 2007

That Was Weird...

Understand that this is all second hand. I had to work today and was not able to be there for the transfusion. However, as it was relayed to me on the way home (you figured it out - I picked Nanc up) the whole experience was a little bit overwhelming and emotional. Plus, the idea of having blood put into your system is a little creepy if you ask me. I got a little creeped out when I walked in and saw the unit of blood hanging on the hook and the red line going into her IV.

Danika's reaction on the phone when she called was "eeewwwwww..."

However, they say it's supposed to make her feel a million times better. So far, she's totally exhausted from the experience and can't tell. She tried telling me tonight about all the forms, and the risks and that they have to observe you closely for the first 15 minutes in case you have a bad reaction, etc. She didn't get too far into describing the day before she just couldn't go on. So, that's all I got.

I will let you know how she feels tomorrow. I expect at least some gardening, a couple of loads of laundry and the dishes done...


1 comment:

carey said...

I used to do a specialized type of blood donation with the Red Cross- Pheresis- which is about a 2 hour process and it sorts out the blood products in order to separate platelets for situations like Nancy's. I haven't been in a while but I guess I'm reading the sign to give them a call...Love you both.