Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Transfusion?

Yup. Especially with low red blood and platelet counts. (I think I missed that point earlier today.) This kind of thing is fairly common the further you get into your treatment. They tell us that it will make her feel a million times better in terms of the fatigue. And with that, what the hell? It's certainly worth a try.

So they did a cross and type today and ordered 2 units for tomorrow which will turn her 2 hour infusion into a 6 hour extravaganza. Time to stock up on junky magazines and iced chai lattes....

This explains some of the real bad fatigue and shortness of breath. They did tell us today though that when it gets to when she can't get a breath, it's time to come in and get checked. Good to know don't you agree?

So here are some more angels - three today. First let me introduce Erin Bixby. I called her Bixby today and stopped her in her tracks. "No one has called me that since I moved here from back east," she said. I figured Bixby is way cooler than just plain Erin, and being from that neck of the woods, it seemed only natural.

Anyway, Erin is quite a nurse - one of the real calm and confident ones, super nice and finally decided to make southern California home. Put her house in Ohio on the market and is taking the plunge. And did I say cool - I mean she is an east coast girl after all!

Next we have the two hottest nurses this side of Seoul, Grace and Yoomi. Grace has taken care of Nancy a couple of times and Yoomi did the honors today. I've been chasing Grace all over the center the last couple of weeks (It's not what you're thinking!) and finally got her to let me take this shot today. But be careful with these two, they'll start speaking Korean and you won't know what they're saying. And knowing how much they like to horse around, well - be careful is all I can say!

Seriously though, I can't say enough about how great the entire staff is at the center. If it weren't for the gentle caring, the sense of humor and the knowledge and skill of these nurses, the nurses aids, the schedulers, pharmacists - the entire team - this could have been a real nightmare for Nanc. I can safely say that we will be forever grateful for the work they do and how they have helped her through this thing.

I need to get a shot of Cheryl who runs Leuchter's clinic days for him. She has gone beyond the call of duty many time recently helping me get prescriptions called in and filled, answering questions, chasing down doctors - and never gets impatient -0 no matter how busy she is. Picture to follow on my next trip over there...



Melanie said...

Great photos! I can't believe it's almost over. Thank GOD!!

carey said...

I'm supriosed Bixby didn'tturn around and say yeahKaskywhaddyaneed? Now that she knows your roots are East Coast(even if you've been out"there" for 30ish?years)maybe she will! Wow - be here now. It takes on a whole new meaning. You're in the home stretch - keep plugging! Love to you and those angels.